What We Do
We help a range of clients overcome many different psychological and behavioural difficulties. These may include anxiety in particular situations (inc. phobias), low mood (depression), post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). We also offer psychological therapies to assist people deal better with chronic pain.

We have expertise in the assessment and treatment of traumatic stress. We see people suffering from the aftermath of exposure to traumatic incidents (e.g. witnessing people killed or injured, physical assault, car crashes, rape or sexual assault).
Delivered in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
- Psychological therapies (currently booked up until further notice)
- Medico-legal reports – inc. litigation
- Occupational health reports
- Consultancy and training – inc. EMDR Therapy Training
- Coping with stress
Many of our clients present with difficulties in the following areas:
- Anxiety
- Phobias
- Stress
- Depression
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
- Post Traumatic Stress (PTSD)
- Personality disorders
- Dealing with loss
- Relationship difficulties
Our work with adults is usually with individuals. Sometimes we involve other family members, when necessary, to give support.

Some clients come directly for psychological therapy. This is delivered by our experienced clinician who offers a therapy appropriate to the client. Referring clinicians are kept informed of progress. At present, our clinical psychology therapy service is booked up for the foreseeable future. If you are looking for an EMDR Therapist anywhere in Ireland, please visit www.emdrireland.org. For GB, see www.emdrassociation.org.uk.
These are produced following an assessment interview and review of appropriate documentation (e.g. other expert reports, GP notes and records). These are often known as medicolegal reports which can meet needs for occupational health and litigation. We are not taking cases which are funded by Legal Aid. Expert opinion is given in response to the questions being asked by your legal representative. These questions could include:
- Does the subject have a mental health condition?
- Is the subject fit to fulfil their normal job role?
- Has a particular event (e.g. road traffic collision, injury at work) caused a mental health issue and what is the prognosis for the subject?
We provide accredited training in EMDR Therapy for mental health professionals. These are held regularly in online via Zoom. Previous EMDR training was delivered in-person in Belfast, Dublin, Manchester and Newcastle Upon Tyne. Bespoke in-house trainings are also available. More information on EMDR Therapy training is on our EMDR Masterclass website.
Our Director, Dr Michael Paterson OBE is available to book as a keynote speaker. He has consistently demonstrated his ability to engage with different audiences to share his knowledge and humour on a range of topics. These include: ‘Challenged and Changed’, ‘How to Manage Stress’, ‘Psychological Trauma in the Workplace’, ‘Dealing With Difficult People’, ‘What Holds People Back in Life’, ‘Creating Behavioural Change’, and ‘How to Achieve Success’. For more information please visit our Dr Paterson website.
Our History
When we founded tmr health professionals we primarily offered therapies for post traumatic stress, but because of our skills in dealing with other problem areas we received many new referrals from medical colleagues.

We started out in 2002 as Trauma Management & Recovery and had a different logo.
The seahorse has always had a particular significance for us – its New Latin name (hippocampus) is the same as a structure in the brain that is responsible for processing our sensory experiences. When we suffer trauma, often the events become stuck in the central nervous system and remain unprocessed.